The tooth enamel is the protective top layer of teeth. Tooth enamel erosion can occur when certain medications, foods, and even stomach acids break down this layer. Erosion of this protective layer can lead to a greater chance of tooth infection as well as tooth discoloration and injury. If you have mild acid reflux to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you may be more prone to tooth erosion. With these conditions, stomach acids irritate the esophagus and can come back up to the mouth. Acids not only irritate the teeth but can also break the enamel down over time.
Dr. Pamela Doray treats patients with tooth enamel erosion in Philadelphia, PA. She takes any preexisting conditions and each patient’s dental history into account when helping them find the right options for their smiles.
How to Spot Enamel Erosion
There are several common signs of tooth enamel erosion, including:
- Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold
- Chips and cracks in the enamel
- Tooth discoloration
- Dental pain or irritation
Contact our office if you have noticed changes in the appearance of your smile or suffer from tooth sensitivity and pain. We will help find the right treatment option for your specific needs.
Treatments for Eroded Tooth Enamel
Tooth enamel erosion can be treated with these restorative and cosmetic options:
- Porcelain Veneers: Tooth veneers are shells of porcelain ceramic that are bonded to the front of the enamel. Veneers offer permanent results and improve the color, shape, and size of the teeth.
- Tooth Bonding: Dental bonding uses a malleable biocompatible material that is molded onto the tooth enamel. This material is shaped and color-matched to brighten the smile.
- Dental Crowns: For extensive areas of damage, we recommend dental crowns. Tooth crowns act like caps to fully cover and protect the enamel. They are made of a durable material and can easily blend in with natural teeth.
Request a Dental Consultation
Have you noticed the signs of tooth enamel erosion? Schedule a dental appointment with Dr. Doray on our website. If you are a new patient, call (215) 395-6076. Returning patients of Dr. Doray may call her office at (215) 772-3100.