Missing Teeth Philadelphia, PA

“You know Doc, it’s just a back tooth. No one will see it, so I’ll just get rid of it. It’s not going to make a difference.” Unfortunately, this is a frequent statement our dental care team hears from patients. Missing teeth are one of the most common dental concerns patients face.

The truth is, though, it WILL make a difference. Losing a single tooth can set a course that leads to destroying an entire mouth. Dr. Conover, an award-winning dentist in Philadelphia, PA, has replaced countless lost and missing teeth for patients of all ages.


Reasons to Replace Missing Teeth

In addition to cosmetic concerns, there are other reasons to replace missing teeth.

Alignment of Teeth

Teeth alignment shift because of missing teeth example
When you lose a tooth, neighboring teeth drift into the vacant space. Other teeth will continue to drift and move. Eventually, the alignment of teeth can become significantly altered, affecting the appearance and the ability to chew and speak comfortably.

Bone Loss

Effects of tooth loss on facial bones
Teeth are very important to retaining bone structure in the jaw and face. When a tooth is missing, the bone starts to deteriorate. Without replacing the tooth, loss of bone can be so significant that it affects theneighboring teeth.

Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

before and after replacing missing teeth

Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgically placed in the upper or lower jaw to replace missing teeth. They look and feel like natural teeth. The implant helps stabilize the jaw and does not affect healthy, surrounding teeth. Made of titanium or other compatible materials with the human body, dental implants are an optimal solution for missing teeth. They have a success rate of over 95%.

implant-supported dental bridge in Philadelphia, PA

Example of an implant-supported bridge to replace multiple missing teeth.

dental implant replacement options


Dentures or partial dentures are more natural-looking and feeling than ever before. When a patient is missing several teeth, dentures have the same look as natural teeth, allowing patients to chew, speak, and smile normally. Full dentures replace all upper or lower teeth and can be fixed or removable. Fixed dentures attach to the gums through dental implants. They offer long-term benefits and require maintenance similar to natural teeth.

We use partial dentures when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw and prevent the remaining teeth from changing positions. Like full dentures, partial dentures may also be fixed or removable.

dentures in Philadelphia, PA

Missing Teeth FAQs

How long does it take to replace a missing tooth?

Complete tooth replacement using implants typically takes between three and six months. After your dentist places your dental implants, you will enter your healing and adjustment phase.

What happens if you don’t replace a missing tooth?

When a tooth is missing, the teeth along both sides shift to compensate for the gap. This results in crooked teeth, which are harder to clean properly and increase the risk of cavities and tooth loss.

Does losing teeth change your face shape?

When teeth begin to move around, it can alter the structure of your jaw and how it fits together. After some time, your jawline will gradually decline, and the facial muscles will no longer be able to support your face, leading to a collapsed look. This alters the shape of your jaw and makes you look older.

Schedule a Dental Exam & Missing Teeth Consultation Today

Dr. Derek Conover has training and experience in implant dentistry and is pleased to offer state-of-the-art implant treatment to patients with missing teeth.

If you or anyone you know might benefit from dental implant treatment or would like more information on them, please call our office at (215) 395-6076 or contact us online.